Reply to post: Re: Open goal for USA bashers

US stakes out 'net battleground ahead of ITU meeting

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Open goal for USA bashers

Trevor, Please shut up and stick to the stuff the Register pays you for. With friends like Trevor Pott who needs enemies?

Rabid anti-american bullshit from an El Reg hack is getting to be really tired and should be moderated. The "war" isn't over in EITHER country yet, only in the mind of the "polling" president could it be "over". BTW, sad to say but "friendly fire" and collateral damage happens in every war, it always has. Why don't YOU prove we lost an unwinnable war? You can't "win" any war when you are hamstrung by backseat presidential quarterbacking and an unidentifiable enemy that is all of a sudden your ally when they want to get rid of a competing religious sect.

Toronto is a known hot bed of radicalised islamic terrorists. Try half the complexes off the the Don Valley parkway to start. What will they call the Canadian branch of ISIS when they come for the "Infidels" there? You should know....

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