Reply to post: Re: Apologetic.

Inequality increasing? BOLLOCKS! You heard me: 'Screw the 1%'

Tim Worstal

Re: Apologetic.

"This is my other point of contention. Is this necessarily the case? Are the two really inextricably entwined? Are there not governmental mechanisms which can be used to reduce national inequality, without lowering the demand for international trade?"

Sure, there are other policies that can be used to change inequality. But the effects of this particular one, globalisation, will be as advertised.

I'm not particularly opposed to reducing within rich country inequality either (I don't think it's very important and I might well oppose certain methods of doing so for the side effects of those methods, but no great ideological objection to the idea). I would be greatly opposed to choking off globalisation for the sake of reducing that inequality though. Precisely because the effect on hte absolutely poor is directly linked.

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