Reply to post: Re: 6 Months Worth of Use

A Norsified Linux for Windows and OS X wobblers

wolfetone Silver badge

Re: 6 Months Worth of Use

Well there was a few ways I could've gone about it, you're quite right regarding Jessie and that should be the basis for the comparison, but I haven't used Jessie. Always mean to do so but never find the time.

The one thing I love more than anything is Pantheon (the Elementary OS GUI). It's lovely, slightly buggy, but nice. I'd love it on top of my Debian install.

And I'm glad you agree regarding it definitely being beta - now imagine me using that between the hours of 9am to 6pm Mon - Fri for 6 months doing work. It mostly works, it just happens to screw up on the days when the whole world is imploding around me!

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