Reply to post: Re: False claims: NZ is on the outer with its former Allies.

Snowden, Dotcom, throw bombs into NZ election campaign

veti Silver badge

Re: False claims: NZ is on the outer with its former Allies.

>I don't see where he claimed anything about when the software was written.

Well, then you need to reread the previous post, because it clearly says that the function was "designed in, and required at a time when NZ was part of ANZUS", i.e. before 1985, i.e. 30 years ago.

>He didn't say the "Non-Aligned Movement", he said the "non-aligned group".

Actually the post said "the Non-aligned group of Countries". Given the erratic capitalisation, I picked on the only identifiable "group" that might plausibly meet that designation. To claim that you become a member of one "group" simply by leaving another, is to be speaking set theory rather than English.

>Key is left of centre when compared to most other countries.

In the first place, [citation needed]. In the second place, Key is not a country. In the third place, what on earth does it mean to be "left or right" of a country? In the fourth place... oh, the hell with this. Please define your terms more carefully if you want to make claims like this.

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