Reply to post: Re: Kerching!

Microsoft buys Minecraft for $2.5bn. Notch: I'm getting the block outta here


Re: Kerching!

@AC (and the down-voters)

I took that as a gentle joke, saying that many of the tasks of Minecraft have parallels in Linux. To the person who shot back to say this was ignorance, perhaps you misinterpret the purpose of a joke?

There is no evidence that our cowardly friend is in anyway ignorant of the amazing breadth of modern Linux experiences. Many jokes are based on a core of truth but take advantage of stereotypes and hyperbole to turn a simple observation or comparison into humour.

Lighten up people.

No, Linux isn't all blinking cursors and obscure commands but dry cleaners don't all ruin and shrink your clothes but the skit is still funny.

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