Reply to post: Re: £699

Oh noes, fanbois! iPhone 6 Plus shipments 'DELAYED' in the UK


Re: £699

@ Andy Prough

I would love to be paid to comment lol! It's an entertaining lunch time past time and I could use the extra money. However, next time, before making false accusations, you may want to check someone's post history. Also, this is a public forum - not a private conversation between two people, anyone can chop in ;)

Wish I knew why people are so trigger happy to attack others with unverified accusations instead of actually contributing arguments to the conversation. Maybe I'm rather limited in my phone usage, treating it primarily as phone, hence my question to you that was left without reply. Missed your chance of educating me a little. I'm rather open minded and have no issues considering a valid argument that will possibly alter my opinion on a matter.

Thinking before typing does not hurt mate. Have a lovely week :)

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