Reply to post: Re: What's wrong with them?

NBN Co correction: We're rubbish at broadband rollout and NEVER improved


Re: What's wrong with them?

@Fluffy Bunny

Andrew Bolt and Miranda Device were, generally, supporting Abbott's views and criticising Rudd/Gillard's views. That was my only point. I never said I agreed with them or not, just that THEIR views at that time accorded with Rupert Murdoch's political aims and thus he gave them space - in the case of Devine, by hiring her and in the case of Bolt, by increasing his print space and circulation.

My argument was not that they were right or wrong, simply that the people who controlled Newscorp hired people whose views and articles were supportive of the position the newspapers were taking.

I made this point not to condemn it (or them) but as an analogy for how the Coalition government AND THE LABOR GOVERNMENT BEFORE THEM made sure that the people on the board of NBN Co were people who supported the government's view.

The whataboutery of slamming Fairfax is so beside the point as to be nearly nonsensical in this context. It doesn't matter if Fairfax papers are better, worse or exactly the same. It doesn't matter if they do exactly the same thing as Newscorp. The reason it doesn't matter is because I was using Newscorp as an ANALOGY (please tell me you understand that) rather than bringing them up for criticism.

Whether Andrew Bolt is the most honest, straight, non-partisan, unbiased 'breath of fresh air' this country has ever seen is NOT RELEVANT. If you think it is then you have utterly failed to understand my point. Perhaps deliberately.

ALL that matters is that his views (whether accurate, insightful, biased, untrustworthy, honest or outright fiction - it doesn't matter!) accorded with the political aims of those who gave him print space and circulation and directly correlated with the change of political aim of those same people.

Not one part of that argument is partisan in any way because all I was implying was that the makeup of the NBN Co board reflects the government so this board says things that supports this government and the last board said things that supported the last government.

Whether the individual members are partisan or not is, again, irrelevant. All that matters is that the views they are stating match what the people who hired them want them to say.

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