Reply to post: Re: Nintendo Wii mania

Oh noes, fanbois! iPhone 6 Plus shipments 'DELAYED' in the UK


Re: Nintendo Wii mania

@John Baily for the first part of your comment, I couldn't agree more. And guess what, when you do measure lifetime sales that it's clear Apple have been gaining an increasing lead in the premium space. They have consistently sold between 33% more to 100% more handsets than Samsung have sold Galaxy line handsets. Indeed the difference has become so great, Samsung have this year relabelled all their handsets Galaxy, so in future reports, their sales being bested in the high end market will be obscured.

"And you imagine we care because?"

Well I care because I have an app start-up. All the evidence is I stand to make twice the revenues from Apple, so we are coding for iOS first (and yes that is even though Android has much higher market share).

"And if they sell out in the first weekend, and have no stock for a month.. that is actually poor supply chain management. Not success."

You are half correct. As it is a bad idea to run out of stock. However you are underestimating the unique pressures of the balance that has to be struck for a company facing an opening weekend where there is a massively high initial spike. Apple actually have what is generally acknowledged as the best and most powerful supply chain management in the business, bar only probably only Samsung.

"What would be the number that causes you to concede that either model is in fact, a flop?"

Well the 6 plus is a bit more niche, so there's no point in taking its' sales levels in isolation as they will be expected to be less than the 6. This model is about mining the seam as the smartphone market matures.

Combined, anything less than 10 million will be a major disappointment and I think would be considered a flop by Apple, though they would never publicly say obviously.

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