Reply to post: Re: BBC Worldwide

Heavy VPN users are probably pirates, says BBC


Re: BBC Worldwide

So your idea of "dangerous" is a man, using his own money, supporting an elected Governor? Who won the recall by an educated and more liberal than most electorate? Whose point was to require that union members pay a bit more, more in line with what their counterparts in private enterprise pay for their portion of a benefits package?

My God, thank you for fighting this fight! Where would we, the unenlightened great unwashed, be without our betters doing our thinking for us.

I was wondering what it was that the AC had written that had you so disturbed you would spare no effort to silence him. I thought maybe he was advocating murdering people or something, but gasp, it turns out it is far worse than that. The evil doer dared have a different political persusion than you.

Clearly he needs to be named and shamed and put in the public stocks for his thought crime!!

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