Reply to post: Re: with Bing

Heads up, Chromebook: Here come the sub-$200 Windows 8.1 portables


Re: with Bing

>>Um, because we've tried it? This site is read by engineers (a minority commenters, it appears). Sure, it boots up - but then what? It will have to swap half the OS to disk in order to run anything more bloated than notepad.

Yep, engineers. Some of them with a knowledge of Operating Systems unfortunately for you. I'm running 8.1 here right now. Excluding programs and cache, my memory usage is 132MB right now. Which sounds about right. Here's a list of size requirements for various GNU/Linux distributions that run solely from RAM: Link.

Get a feel for the size of an OS itself, now? Puppy Linux manages to get down to 64MB! Most are around the 200 -> 500 MB range. So yes, it's perfectly possible to run Windows 8.1 in a GB of RAM which is what you said wasn't possible. Now you're backtracking and saying that it will have to swap a lot to disk. Again, not true. It's the programs that take up the space (and cache if you have spare). And if your argument has now become you can't run lots / very large of programs as well in 1GB, then you're arguing against all OSs, not Windows 8.1 (and arguing very weakly as it happens).

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