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Lenovorola TRIPLE-ola: New Moto G, Moto X and 360 wristputer UNZIPPED

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The moto 360 is the most promising looking smart watch I've seen yet. It looks well designed, well built; the only smart watch I've seen that doesn't make you look like you still live with your mum in her basement.

But I still can't see what the USP is for these things - why you generally can't just look at your phone or do without. Given how many models Samsung is churning out, they seems to similarly have little idea either. I'm less worried about the short battery life - most of us are used to the daily charge.

So who will be the audience for smart watches? I know the dangers of sweeping generalisations, but here goes anyway: Younger folk either seem to wear cheap Casios or no watch at all; folk of my 'middle youth' age tend to already have a nice watch or two and the presence of kids/mortgage/car finance/adult life means we probably won't buy more. And real oldsters often wear a watch with sentimental value they've owned for a large part of their life until fading sight or health prompts a hand down to a younger family member.

It'll be interesting to see what Apple come up with, if indeed they do. My guess (and I certainly don't have any 'sources close to the matter'), is that Apple's iWatch will be a very well specified fitness aid, like the Nike fuel band, designed purely for use by gym fans and skinny baristas up and down the land. No more than that.

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