Reply to post: Braking?

This'll end well: US govt says car-to-car jibber-jabber will SAVE lives



"I'm braking, why aren't you braking?"

Because, you fuckwit, I have no need to brake because I saw people braking several millenia in front of you, and I have just taken my foot off the accelerator, thus already slowing down and allowing ample room between your vehicle and mine!

If I need to, I will brake, but until then get outta my face.

And also as a consequence, not putting the shits up people following behind causing them to apply their brakes, and so on and so on, thus bringing a whole line of cars to an eventual standstill, simply because everyone reacted to (horrors) brakelights in front of them, and because they were travelling too closely, and/or they were distracted by their phone/stereo/kids/passengers etc, rather paying attention to what they were doing, and watching what the traffic was doing several cars in front of theirs. Admittedly not helped by large vehicles in front like trucks, SUVs, vans etc but if you allow enough space you get better vision ahead and also give yourself time to react if the vehicle in front slows down.

It often amazes me the faith that some drivers have in other driver's attention and reaction time, as they seem to think nothing of just changing lanes in front of other drivers - especially so in wet weather.

Also a great reliance on the braking efficiency/ability of the other driver's vehicles.

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