Reply to post: Before wickipedia allowed people not there to supplant more likely things........Full Monty

Chomp that sausage: Brits just LOVE scoffing a Full Monty

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Before wickipedia allowed people not there to supplant more likely things........Full Monty

I asked my dad (too many years ago) what the full monty was. He was ex RA, Anzio landings and it was not Montgomery, It was prewar and about a tailors in Whitechapel and I should ask Granny because she lived there.

( Gran would be 115 if alive, Mum was a late shock as she should have been too old to conceive).

Gran said a full monty came from Montague BERMAN in Whitechapel ( and was from what i can work out about 1920-25) where you got gangster style sharp suits, and the accessories as per the then current films.

Thickipedia and most sites traceable only say the son of the founder went into theatrical costumes following on from his father and dwell on the film stuff alone.

My uncle who was fleet air arm from start ww2 to 1970 said it was a sharp suit place. even during the war (I had had doubts on Gran`s accuracy.) but for all the years up to the internet, full monty was east end or ex forces from eastender exposure. Years ago at uni no-one non- London unless with an ex forces family member somewhere had heard the term and I had to explain it meant the works and also dogs bollocks.

Unless spiritualism works I can`t get any more now, but all the rest I was told is a cohesive thing from many. ( even from my dad who grew up on the wrong side of the river but had the same version).

I had no idea that idiots would misrepresent things they have no direct experience or contact with so badly to no-one`s benefit (citation not required)

I think I need to find an old boy around 90 who is a local and do a voice record and post it as the only way to support above

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