Reply to post: Re: The blind men and the elephant

NASA finds ancient films that extend Arctic ice record by 15 years

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The blind men and the elephant

"People say "that's bad" and they jump on the bandwagon and freak out: "Why aren't we doing something about it?! Think of the children!" "

Generally well made point, BUT ...

... when there is compelling but inconclusive evidence to suggest that we could positively influence something which is negatively impacting us, simply doing nothing is not that great an idea either. The world did nothing about CFC emissions either for decades until it was eventually conclusively proven that they were destroying the Ozone layer .. and only then started reluctantly reducing their usage.

I as one of the children that no-one thought about grew up in New Zealand without the benefit of an ozone layer to protect us from the sun. The place still to this day is the skin cancer capital of the world, because the Ozone layer is only very slowly recovering and the population is constantly exposed to extreme levels of UV. Thanks for that.

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