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Australia makes pinkie-promise to end Indonesia spying


I actually have no problems with spy agencies spying on other nations government officials, politicians, ministers, senior civil-servants etc. I mean, that's mostly whats worth spying on in the first place. Any government minister, PM, president king, departmental secretary etc who DOESN'T think they are a target, if not actively being spied/eavesdropped on, are morons.

What gets me angry tho, is when the spy agencies 'dabble' in law-enforcement, spying on the general populace, and spying on THEIR OWN CITIZENS. That is NOT the job of the spy agencies. They should be concerned with national defense and security, not criminal (i.e. non-terrorist, non-military, non-espionage activities), not 'home-grown' activities that are better left in the hands of local police forces.

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