Reply to post: Re: After 25 years, it should be possible to take a step back and take a dispassionate look

Experimental hypersonic SUPERMISSILE destroyed 4 SECONDS after US launched it

Tom 13

Re: After 25 years, it should be possible to take a step back and take a dispassionate look

It should. But your leftist rantings will never cease.

When Ronald Reagan came into office the world was facing a financial crisis not unlike the one the Democrats caused as W was leaving office. The military was in tatters with US diplomats having been held for 444 days after Carter, following the same feckless plan The Big 0 implemented in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan withdrew US support for the Shah. The USSR was advancing on all fronts.

Reagan left office having implemented the largest peacetime economic recovery in the history of the world. One that lasted so long and withstood so many attempts to undermine that ideologues like you to this day insist of transferring credit from him to Clinton. He did this by lowering the marginal tax rates, and indexing them to inflation. Thus fixing a permanent notion that future tax rates would be lower than they were when he came into office.

He didn't overspend, Tip O'Neill the Democrat in charge of the House did. The Executive branch of the US government cannot originate fiscal legislation. And every budget proposal Reagan and his staff submitted to O'Neill was declared DOA before it even left his desk.

Those are the real facts no matter how much it may stick in your craw.

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