Reply to post: Where do they find these people?

So, Apple won't sell cheap kit? Prepare the iOS garden wall WRECKING BALL

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Where do they find these people?

So some stockholders disagree with the way Apple's share price is moving, and that somehow is forcing Apple's leadership to come up with new products? Where do they find these kind of authors? The Muppet show?

If there is one thing that can be gleaned from Apple's history it is that they don't give a hoot about their shareholders (and rightly so, imo). As for "revolutionary" or "innovative" products, look at how well those kind of things have served the competition. Microsoft came up with some pretty good ideas, but they weren't supported by a long term-strategy. Apple builds one thing on top of another; the iPhone would not have been a success if Apple hadn't had the SSD supply locked down; without the iTunes store; without Mac OSX. Same thing for the retina display for the iPhone 4, oh wait, that wasn't an "innovative" design, right?

I like reading articles on El Reg, but please, no more Jasper Hamill and his buddies, mmmkay?

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