Reply to post: Re: Munich are implementing Kolab

Munich considers dumping Linux for ... GULP ... Windows!

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Munich are implementing Kolab

"What are you talking about? We have one person part time to maintain a global set of servers covering a number of sites. Exchange 2013 has the lowest support and maintenance requirements of any version to date. "

Since moving from an inhouse imap system to using office365, enduser support load in individual departments is up by a factor of around 10 and the helldesk has had to double its staff (we have upwards of 50,000 people in our systems)

Apparently this counts as an unqualified success in various reports made by manglement to manglement, but when departmental reps are present such claims get hotly contested.

The biggest surprise is that the Public Accounts Committee hasn't gotten involved yet.

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