Reply to post: Re: An amazing piece of work?

Munich considers dumping Linux for ... GULP ... Windows!

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: An amazing piece of work?

"Thanks for explaining to me why so many people insist on quoting the entire email back but don't edit their answers into the questions"

I'm still surprised (and annoyed) that even the posters to the FreeBSD technical lists largely do this too.

If old-fart unix hippies do this, we've no hope.

As an aside, in my last job, I once received a long 'reply/quoted/reply/quoted/reply/quoted' etc. email from BT that somewhere in the depths of it were things we were not to know about, along with strict instructions not to tell any of us at ICL what was being discussed.

Of course, many generations of this email later, and someone had replied to this 'chain mail' with info. that was destined for us, so our contact at BT dutifully forward it onto me, with all the secret history included!

It strikes me that this braindead form of blind 'include original message after reply' would not be necessary if typical mail clients kept a copy of mail sent, mail received, and had the ability to thread / group conversations..... Oh.... Wait a minute...

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