Reply to post: Re: my 2 cents....

Time to move away from Windows 7 ... whoa, whoa, who said anything about Windows 8?


Re: my 2 cents....

I think the problem is the management of these big companies has NO CLUE about the software... they only recognise it from a business financial direction.. that is most likely why Nokia went for MS.. they just thought a big company would save their financial asses!! not much hope recently!!! :P

That has always been the problem. Microsoft learned their marketing trade at the feet of Big Blue back in the days when most company thinking was about buying big boxes because they knew no better. They thrust the shiny pamplets and whatever else came to hand and nobody else made a murmur even though, even back then, there were better things coming from several sources. Microsoft's product got where it was through the apathy of its competition, aggressive marketing and, most of all, the ignorance of the consumer.

The one possible saving grace here is that there are others in the market now. I say "possible" because I'm not sure I trust the competition either!

And yes, I wouldn't mind seeing Linux gain from all this, but I also doubt that this will happen either for all sorts of reasons. A shame, really.

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