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Ancient pager tech SMS: It works, it's fab, but wow, get a load of that incoming SPAM

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Not quite, although you are close.

SMS messages get sent through the GSM control channel that normally handles the control plane traffic (e.g. call sent-up/tear-down, base station hand-over, et al). This implementation came about due to a historical oddity; basically when the GSM standards were first defined they discovered that they had some spare capacity left on the control channel so someone had the bright idea of defining a messaging service although "no-one would ever want to use it" (famous last words IMO); this is way SMS messages have such an odd maximum size - it reflects the message size of the GSM control channel.

You are right in that SMS transmission is more-or-less "free" to the network operators, their only costs is in maintaining the SMSC and the inter-operator links.

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