Reply to post: Re: Sites are blocked....

London cops cuff 20-year-old man for unblocking blocked websites

veti Silver badge

Re: Sites are blocked....

Your argument is confused at best.

A site that hosts some material that happens to have been placed there illegally - is not, in and of itself, illegal. That's what 'safe harbo(u)r' means.

Viewing or reading certain images or words - has indeed been deemed illegal in the UK. But no-one (as far as I've seen) has alleged a kiddie-porn angle in this case, so that doesn't apply. And copyright law isn't breached merely by viewing a website - the UK Supreme Court ruled on that only last year.

The one contingency in which I might be prepared to concede that there may be a case to answer in this story, is if the guy explicitly advertised his service as helping people to facilitate unlawful copying, or access to illegal material. In that case he might be chargeable with some sort of 'accessory' tag. But if all he was offering was a lawful service that could, potentially, without his knowledge, be misused - then he's no more a criminal than the CEO of any ISP. Probably less.

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