Reply to post: Re: Can someone please explain

Hacker crew nicks '1.2 billion passwords' – but WHERE did they all come from?


Re: Can someone please explain

SQL injection is easy to fix using parameterized queries, they are widely supported and have been around for a long time.


I was writing some Python[1] a while back, and it required DB access - we were using MySQL.

The first library I tried - the "recommended" one - claimed that MySQL doesn't support prepared statements[1], so the library didn't try.

The second library I tried claimed to support prepared statements - but looking through the code, it simply did string substitution, so there was no protection against SQL injection whatsoever.

So whilst SQL injection *should be* a thing of the past, it's not entirey the fault of developers that read documentation; in some circumstances, the library developers are making claims that are simply untrue :-(


[1] I ended up re-writing the code in perl; the problems went away :-)

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