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Nice computers don’t need to go to the toilet, says Barclays

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Anyone know why paying in slips require you to fill in the amount at least twice and write the name of the cheque signatory in a strip about 2 cm wide? They seem curiously at odds with modern banking.

Quaint. Here in the barbarian wilderness of the US, I just feed the stack of checks1 into the ATM, which scans the amounts and totals them. It lets me confirm it has the amounts right (showing an image of the check next to the scanned amount), then it processes the deposit. Haven't had it go wrong yet. No deposit slip is involved; I still have a bunch of the things, but haven't used one in ages.

Since my bank2 has ATMs cleverly located at shops that specialize in coffee and pastries, this works out well for all concerned.

1Like cheques, but with less queuing.

2Actually a credit union, which is like a bank, but with less stupidity.

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