Reply to post: Re: Gis Bun Hmmmm

Snowden latest: NSA targets Gaza, pumps intelligence to Israel


Re: Gis Bun Hmmmm

No, Israel designates Hamas a terrorist group because Hamas stands up to Israel (same with Hezbollah). The US is run by AIPAC, and thus have to designate Hamas a terrorist group. The US then leans on the EU, which holds out for a while and then caves in to US pressure and follows suit. The other mistake you make is to talk about "The Jordanians" making peace with Israel, as though the Royals who run the country have a mandate from their population. The Royals hold power only because they do as the US/Israel tell them. In turn, the US/Israel never push Jordan to make democratic reforms. If they did, the elected leaders would stand up to Israel.

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