Reply to post: Re: Questions for rocket scientists:

NASA tests crazytech flying saucer thruster, could reach Mars in days

Pet Peeve

Re: Questions for rocket scientists:

It's surprisingly small! .01g will get you 400,000,000 kilometers (the maximum distance Mars is ever from Earth) in 2.2 months in a straight line run (turning around halfway). At .001g, it would take about 7 months. Continuous acceleration ROCKS, even if it's minuscule.

In a real trip to Mars, you couldn't do a straight-line trip with this kind of drive - you'd plonk one into orbit conventionally, and then use the thrust to gradually raise the orbit until it intersects Mars. I'll leave it to someone with better skills to estimate how well that would work, but I think it's quite practical.

On the other hand, all sorts of things are practical with magic tech - let's not put the cart before the horse.

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