Reply to post: >Engineers know how to fix things. What do beancounters know?

Secure microkernel that uses maths to be 'bug free' goes open source


>Engineers know how to fix things. What do beancounters know?

Since we are talking about military drones and military procurement in this instance, when have beancounters ever had much to say about military hardware?

$500 Multidirectional Kinetic Injectors (hammers)?

$150M and up "budget affordable due to procurement scale" (the original intent) F-35 fighters?

how many $B to refit Her Majesty's new carriers with supposedly contractually possible catapult extensions?

I don't mind the beancounter bashing vs engineers, usually.

With military procurement however, I think a lot more beancounting sanity checks should be happening. Keeping the same defense budgets, that should result in much better gear for the boys n girls in the frontlines and less gouging by the military contractors.

If it makes engineering sense (and I doubt your Glonass idea makes any sense on NATO gear), then inertial sensors will be fitted in. Whether that is at reasonable cost is quite another question.

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