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DAYS from end of life as we know it: Boffins tell of solar storm near-miss

phil dude

Re: Shields up!

I was thinking the warning could be used to invoke some sort of contingency...

...then I looked at this website ( and the 2012 one would have given us 18 hours!!!!

Bill Bryson in his excellent book (youtube clip of simulation) "A short history of nearly everything" points out the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs (i.e. the Manson crater in Iowa) would be almost impossible to observe in advance. He then points out that even if we did see it, we no longer have the ability to reach it or even a meaningful method movement of changing its course....

Sobering and awe inspiring stuff. The context of the bat-shit crazy things that humans contrive to do to each other every day, is a reminder of our insignificance to the universe...

We are very, very very, very lucky to have been born!


PS. I had to check who narrated the UK version (I found it was Richard Matthews aka Simon Vance), as I had flashbacks of Bag-puss intially....!

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