Reply to post: Re: Wanker

Comcast bosses: THAT pushy sales rep was only obeying orders


Re: Wanker

Except that it's not that much of a frank admission. Try reading the entire paragraph that was in the memo, instead of just the one out-of-context part that the internet is feasting on:

“The agent on this call did a lot of what we trained him and paid him — and thousands of other Retention agents — to do,” continues Watson. “He tried to save a customer, and that’s important, but the act of saving a customer must always be handled with the utmost respect.”

And two paragraphs prior to that:

“Respecting our customers is fundamental, and we fell short in this instance,”

So basically what the COO is really saying is yes, the agent was following instructions on WHAT to say, but said it in just about the most piss poor manner possible.

I've read at least a half dozen stories about this around the 'net today, and every single one of them went with the same only-half-the-story headline. But we're supposed to only be pissed at Comcast for not telling the "whole truth".

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