Reply to post: Re: No, they're not sekret spying tools

HIDDEN packet sniffer spy tech in MILLIONS of iPhones, iPads – expert

Fred Flintstone Gold badge

Re: No, they're not sekret spying tools

@DMDeck16, Either that or that, eh? Thanks for clearing that up with impeccable logic and hard evidence.

Given your earlier, much more nuanced reply I will assume you ran out of caffeine there :) - I think the question is valid (although I'd be grateful if someone could point me at the docs which confirm that "Apple docco says there is no native way to do packet captures on iOs devices" because it's AFAIK pretty much a standard diagnostics tool on any Unix-alike platforms).

There is nothing wrong with raising questions, but I also agree with you that being all alarmist about it is stupid. However, that's what the press trained us to expect now - anything is either the end of the world or not worth reporting (reminds me of a clip that showed what a falling tea cup looks like in a US movie - it explodes - but sadly I cannot locate it on Youtube).

I would like to see this sort of work done on *any* mobile platform. The only functional weapon against subversion is transparency.

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