Reply to post: Re: No, they're not sekret spying tools

HIDDEN packet sniffer spy tech in MILLIONS of iPhones, iPads – expert

diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

Re: No, they're not sekret spying tools

"pcapd - so top sekret it's been a documented developer tool for years"

No - the developer doc you linked to is about analyzing traffic from another device on the network, not by the device itself which is what pcapd does, allegedly. The doc you linked to says "iOS does not support packet tracing directly". That's contradicted by Jonathan's claims.

The other things you link to are not documented by Apple officially (AFAIA). They may well have been known for a while. There's no harm in a serious security researcher joining up all the dots for everyone.

Unless you're just happy doodle dandy with everything as it stands.


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