Reply to post: Re: El Reg... Really?

New Star Wars movie plot details leak, violate common sense and laws of physics


Re: El Reg... Really?

Harrison Ford breaking his ankle (sounds more like a bad sprain, break one of your own and see), has no tech connection.

Some gossip site has no tech connection, except they have an Internet site.

They have been selected to run a little pre-publicity or they are just making it up.

Who cares?

It is sure to be a pile that trundles along and gets a few points from the protagonists from the original three.

Speaking of which, I enjoyed parts of all of the prequels, child actor playing young Vader was perfectly precocious, proud, and pouty, that got the next most criticism to Jar Jar, who played pretty much the same as when he was the same actor in the Fifth Element, but I cannot recall the same mass hysteria against that, quite the opposite.

I would love anyone to watch Return of the Jedi and say with a straight face that it is not the most cloying of all.

Fans and those older than about 25 will recall that Lucas spoke of a nine-part series, for which he'd written the outline.

Threw his toys out of the pram after herd-like media reviews from Menace to Sith, I really do not believe he did not have at least a sketch of the nine-part matinee series he claimed.

As if Disney will do anything but flog the horse until it is dead, and as if Lucas needed more money.

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