Reply to post: Re: Leaving aside the snarky comments

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Leaving aside the snarky comments

If El Reg could give more of a shit about what goes on in Europe instead of being a Google / Apple / Microsoft whore, then everyone here would be familiar with TU Berlin's driverless car project, and its experimental use of this technology, directing the car by thought rather than physical action--if you think this is useless, imagine a future in which paraplegics or other seriously disabled people could have the same freedom of travel as those of us who are still fully able-bodied.

Sure, let's call it "for disabled people" and thus scream over any critical thinking. For completeness you should also implore people to think of the children, btw. I have my doubts about the sanity of using mental control of +700kg of steel hurtling along at 70mph by today's increasing ranks of ADHD sufferers..

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