Reply to post: Re: js and pdf proprietary extension, @big_D

Panic like it's 1999: Microsoft Office macro viruses are BACK

Uffe Seerup

Re: js and pdf proprietary extension, @big_D

[i]>>It's the same as in MS Office[/i]

It's similar. But MS Office (since Office 2010) also *sandboxes* documents that have been received from the Internet zone. This applies to files received through email or downloaded through a browser (all browsers support this).

Such files contain a marker in an alternate data stream that specifies that the file came from the "Internet zone".

When Office opens such a file it will open in a sandboxed process. The entire process runs in "low integrity mode" - and thus whatever it's macros may try to do - even if enabled - they will be restricted to the permissions of the low integrity process.

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