Reply to post: Re: TSA Proof?

'Ribbed' for your pleasure: Jony Ive unveils NAKED IPHONE

Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

Re: TSA Proof?

it would be nigh impossible to hide a bomb inside

I am sure the bad guys would love the TSA and everyone else to believe that.

I suspect getting through security check-in is more likely to become harder rather than easier once the bad guys have shown a viable bomb can be disguised as a battery and every glass phone reveals a potentially suspicious battery. Security checks are not so much about checking items are safe but checking items are not on their list of not allowed.

Fear of battery bombs seem to be what is behind the latest security clamp down and the safety check there is to make sure the device powers on.

Because we all know there's never going to be a battery which provides power and is also a viable explosive device, right?

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