Reply to post: Re: Bamboo pickup arm

We need to talk about SPEAKERS: Sorry, 'audiophiles', only IT will break the sound barrier


Re: Bamboo pickup arm

No, I think you're jumping to the wrong conclusion about what you think the author believes.

He clearly is focussing on time delay has being a very important consideration, but that does not mean he believes that nothing else is important.

He does mention in the article about how the brain processes frequencies after the brain processes the transient information.

There is no doubt (without doing any research into his background), he's an electronics engineer, and being a fellow of the audio engineering society, I am highly confident he does understand about frequency spectrums, the representation of signals in both time and frequency domains and the transformation from one to the other.

I think he is focussing on one key aspect of audio design which is vitally important which he perceives (and possibly rightly so) is present in amplifier, filter design but which is missing from the last element of the chain in speaker design.

But this doesn't mean he doesn't understand that frequency response isn't important. I'm highly confident he does know it is.

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