Reply to post: I don't see the mystery.

Windows 7, XP and even Vista GAIN market share again

Mark 85

I don't see the mystery.

After all the mis-steps in designing and releasing Win8, people simply either hate or don't want mess with it. For most, it's too different to be comfortable with. I daresay that as far as home users, those I know who have bought a new PC have "upgraded" to Win7. Win7 is reasonably mature and self-contained. No mumbo-jumbo about cloud based apps or any of the other hype that MS is shoveling.

I suspect many businesses feel the same way as a certain amount of retraining the troops and even then, some not grasping it present problems. As well as the software issues. Again all the hype and BS coming from MS about the cloud.

People don't want mumbo-jumbo about stuff they've not had experience with. They simply want things to work and work in a way they're comfortable with. I supposed the Apple kids would feel the same way if the OS suddenly changed and caused the same feelings of uncomfortableness.

Yes, I smell downvotes, but this just an opinion based on observation. Non-scientific and purely anecdotal based.

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