Reply to post: Re: You mean you don't know?

NASA aborts third attempt at finally settling man-made CO2 debate

Goat Jam

Re: You mean you don't know?

""What happens if we clean up the environment and it not the cause of global warming? All we'd have then is no smog, non-polluting power and clean water."- Art Challenor"

This quote is based on the incorrect premise that CO2 is somehow "pollution" and "unclean", which it is not.

It also doesn't take into account the enormous social and wealth costs it imposes on billions of people via the ongoing campaign by the various activist greenscum groups around the world to revert the world to the stone age and destroy all human progress in the process.

Al Gore makes millions from this scam at the expense of people like me and you and you are happy for him to keep on doing so on the basis that it might possibly make some sort of positive difference to the world while totally ignoring the enormous consequences.

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