Reply to post: Re: Nobody wants storage

New research: Flash is DEAD. Yet resistance isn't futile - it's key

Mage Silver badge

Re: Nobody wants storage

I've no wish to trust faceless corporations, only have access where there is suitable infrastructure and rent the storage forever. Or trust someone not to to delete / copy and trust backups.

Also most people are about 1 x JCB from losing their cloud connection.

I can write more convincing SF & F than cloud marketing.

I have a spare bridge if you want to buy it.

Which is faster?

Ordinary post of 2T Byte to a Data centre or 2T down any affordable fibre even in 20 years time?

P.S. I rent hosting too. It might be in Kansas. It was supposed to be in the UK. But who knows next week.

Cloud is just renting Hosting with free arm waving, whale song and joss sticks.

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