Reply to post: You mean I actually have to do stuff for it to work

The cute things they say


You mean I actually have to do stuff for it to work

This actually happened yesterday....

Phone *ring

User: stuffs not working

me: okay we need to be more specific than that, whats not working.

User: well the file isn't there

me: what file are we talking about? and what are you trying to do?

User: well _____ no longer exists'

me (luckily able to figure out wtf they are attempting to do that this point) - Did you run the report that generates the file?

user - run what??? you mean I have to run it? I don't think you know what your talking about....

me: I wish I didn't know what I was talking about!

What can I say, they either have no faith in technology, or to much trust in it to that point that they think it all just magically happens. I am going to go put pictures of users on the moles in the wack-a-mole game now to vent some frustration...

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