Reply to post: Re: Whats your baseline?

New Reg mobile site - feedback here!


Re: Whats your baseline?

And there was me thinking all the worst commentards didn't work for the Reg. As the only alternative for me right now is a building works spreadsheet I'll spend a bit of time...

"Opera Mini accounts for about 0.6 per cent of sessions - but Opera lovers of all ilk appear to be more vocal than users of other browsers."

You mean there are other browers? And users? When did you know this and why didn't you say? A quick word search reveals that you are snowed over by BEELIONS, reg billions that is, of Opera mini users vocalising about your m. site. I couldn't give a flying hoot about Opera. Don't use it on the desktop or the cutting slab. They happen to do the only alternative browser for feature phones which they update periodically for free and works well for what it is. Saves all those Kenyans exporting old phones to themselves in order to recover the coltan because they can't read the Reg with them.

"As for the Asha - no we are not interested in supporting this. Sorry!"

Please don't be. We feel each others pain. I can vocalise it for you if you want. Sounds a bit like a Yoko Ono record over Skype on a Nokia Asha.

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