Reply to post: Re: Mental exercise

Comprehensive security in the home

Fred Flintstone Gold badge

Re: Mental exercise

Couldn't you just get Macs and spend more time with friends, family and loved ones?

It's a home situation, and given the budget sensitivity I suspect there is no appreciation of long term costs (which is where Macs have real advantages). In addition, it means learning a new platform which is not everyone's cup of tea - many are scared of the new, and I must admit I wouldn't have switched either if I hadn't bought a Mac for research (it wasn't originally my intention to switch, but it took less than a month to realise OSX was -for my needs- the perfect platform).

In addition, it's not just desk/laptops they're trying to secure. In my opinion, he's actually identified an unaddressed market, it IS difficult.

Back to theme: I also recommend looking at Prey. I like how it works, even though they have to sometimes fight the OS to make it happen.

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