Reply to post: missing the point

Virgin Media's latest throttling rules

roy lovelock

missing the point

ive also been hit hard with this stupid stm. but everyone seems to be missing the point by saying they have upgraded the connection and only cut it 40%

what is missing is they are capping either side of the bandwidth which hit their limits, first of all its 50% on the up side, then its 75%.

i like a lot of users have 120mb connection, i also shift vast amounts of data across my network and streaming my media server to friends and family. my up side is often capped to 1.3mbs which makes it useless for streaming. the ping also increased (ive seen it as high as 120ms) so when i access gmail it asks me to load the page for slower connections - not bad for a 120mb connection.

I was also sold the package as unlimited - you wont be traffic shapped or throttled like others.

Virgin has been very quiet about the new stm, i wonder why - thier userbase would probo drop an good % overnight. Why are they not required by law to advertise it as often as they drop letters though my door advertisng their services!!.

another thing is i think (also the cs rep said he thinks this is also the case) that virgin has secret bandwidth caps, if you use over 100gb (for example) they will automatically cap you during stm. I prooved this today as i have have used around 400gb this month, yesterday my modem was off until i called customer services to disconnect, my connection was 33mb down and 1.4mb up - only a few mins into the stm (this was hard wired not wifi btw) - i had used no data since the evening before hand (just to proove the point). my capping fell of around midnight and im back to 113mb down now.

Basically im now paying for 120mb connection and getting only 33mbs back.

the really sad part is i actually get faster connections now of my mobile phone using hspda+, if i need to upload a file to dropbox during the stm i can upload over 3x faster to the box from my phone than i can on the fastest broadband connection in the country.

virgin has taken a excellent internet connection (barring the superdud) and flushed it down the toilet, roll on sky fibre pro coming soon to my property.

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