back to article Twitter tracker goes twotspotting

Geome uses the location information already attached to many tweets to provide a geocentric view of twitter, enabling you to find out who's twittering locally, and avoid them. It's just the kind of service that's supposed to be enabled by Twitter's new location API. But given that many mobile clients - and the web service - …


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  1. Alex 3
    Thumb Down

    Does not work at all

    Nopeity nope nope nope - not right now anyway,

  2. The Dorset Rambler

    Here's why

    "Quite why one would want to do this remains a mystery"

    Come on, you know why.

    Who amongst us has not spent days, weeks or even months in coding something that has no commercial application, interests nobody but themselves and could have been done in ten minutes with a spreadsheet?

    I know I have.

  3. Tony Hoyle

    Yup broken

    Doesn't do anything at all.

    Note to developer: If you're going to develop something like this at least test it before telling the world.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Web 2.0 navel-gazing

    I'm completely unable to read that name as anything other than Geo-Me-Me (me me me me me)....

  5. Anonymous Coward


    mmm Error Line 31: I get the idea but it aint happening.

  6. Moss Icely Spaceport

    Works for me

    Now all I need is an orbiting laser I can play Twitter-Splatter!

    Got you.

    And you.

    And you...come get some...

  7. Ralph B
    Black Helicopters

    Tweet, Whoosh, BOOM!

    > Quite why one would want to do this remains a mystery

    I think it starts to make sense when used with this tech:


  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just Me?

    Is it just me or does anyone else suffer from instant crushing boredom whenever they see the word twitter?

    (And no I didn't read the article, couldn't force myself past the title).

  9. Mark Monaghan

    Out of the blue

    Is there a Predator / Reaper option for when you've located the twot?

  10. Jonathan Richards 1

    Target acquisition

    > Quite why one would want to do this remains a mystery

    Seems obvious to me. A bit of terminal guidance using face recognition, no prob.

  11. Mage Silver badge

    Geome Targets

    A way to remove Twits?

  12. Anonymous Coward

    Here's why...

    "Quite why one would want to do this remains a mystery, unless you're planning on linking it to the Ground Guidance sat-nav product for route planning specifically designed to avoid the twitter of tiny thumbs."

    I'm planning to link it in to my guided missile system and take out each twat in turn.

  13. breakfast Silver badge

    The why of it?

    Presumably to allow the targeting of web 2.0 powered Twitterhawk missiles.

    Anyway, I thought Twitter was utterly pointless drivel until I discovered The Longest Poem In The World ( ) now I think it is pointless but often hilarious *rhyming* drivel...

  14. lukewarmdog


    All those tags on peoples names that say "follow me on twitter" needed an app that allows you to do the opposite.

    An app that detects tweets <as they happen>, alerts you and plans a route around the location of that signal would improve daily life.

    Even better would be a reverse lookup and stay active tool that tracks the signal location and actively blocks it. Permanently.

    Let's face it, if you can say it in 140 characters it wasn't that important was it?

  15. Anonymously Deflowered


    > Let's face it, if you can say it in 140 characters it wasn't that important was it?

    So you'll stand there asking for more information if someone shouts "he's got a gun, run!" will you?

  16. Graham Marsden

    "Follow me on twitter..."?

    Or is that "Stalk me on twitter?"

  17. RedGrittyBrick

    Title failure

    Should be "Twitter twacker twies twotspotting".

  18. Brutus

    Marital War?

    "It was initially called TwotSpot, but it was rapidly renamed Geome to preserve marital peace"

    So, if things had gone badly, would it be renamed 'TwatSpat'

  19. Lionel Baden
    Thumb Up

    @The Dorset Rambler

    Im with you on that score

    Waaaaay to often :D

  20. lukewarmdog


    Well firstly I'd want to know where, I wouldn't want to run towards him by accident now would I?

    Running is stupid unless you can outrun a bullet. "Duck" might be a better shout.

    Loud noises and sudden movements are stupid when someone has a gun.

    It's a bit more likely you'd be twittering about the giant poo you'd just had after a particularly tasty Big Mac that you'd probably made yourself. Sorry but I like my information in conversation sized pieces about relevant subjects. Twitter is just massive fail for me but each to their own.

  21. Anonymous Coward


    > It's a bit more likely you'd be twittering about the giant poo you'd just had after a particularly tasty Big Mac

    As a user of twitter I have never seen a tweet like this. Sure hate twitter - it is not for everyone but if you wish to explain why you hate it rather than make shit up post the real reason.

    You hate twitter as it is overhyped. See not so hard.

  22. Stevie



    Well, maybe it could be used to provide useful target acquisition data for that laser six-shooter Hercules the Pentagon scientists have invented.

  23. Charles Manning


    Notice the ***ME** in GeoMe. This really underlines what twitter is all about. Narcissism.

    Oooh look at me twanking. Now you can know I'm doing it just down the road from you!

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