back to article US IT staff salaries and benefits shrink

US Salaries are down across organizations and job titles, but compensation might be holding up better than you'd think - especially if you hang in there - according to Janco Associates' mid-year salary survey. First, let's take a look at the average IT job across all titles and see how that has changed. According to Janco, the …


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  1. Doug Glass

    So? What's Your Point?

    Right in line with other areas of non management.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    In other news

    Bears crap in woods,

    Men's peckers shrink in cold weather.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    How much?

    So where do I get one of these jobs that's paying twice as much as I get now, even with 30 years of experience of (a) computing, (b) having my work offshored and (c) being made redundant?

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: hmmm....

    Although you don't care about the US tech job market, 1.8 million Reg readers may differ (that's how many US readers visit our site each month).

    Anyways: We are increasing our coverage of tech jobs on both side of the Atlantic. And I am sure we will get some UK regional breakdowns soon enough. In the meantime here are some UK tech job articles we have published this month.

  6. Matthew Smith
    IT Angle


    But in America they only tend to have about 10 days holiday, compared with 20-25 over here, no? (And less bank holidays?). Plus what we take for granted on the NHS, they have to pay for. If you took IT salaries over here, added the employer's NI contributions to the salaries, and paid for the holidays, it would work out about equal.

    Though they do pay less for the petrol :)

    Now, what do the bods in Bangalore get paid for an equivalent job?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Average salaries?

    Where exactly do these "averages" come from? I know certain companies don't like their staff discussing their pay packets (the one I used to work for declared such talk to be a sackable offence!) but that don't stop the be-hatching come payday. And since the majority of the people in our Business Unit were in the £10k-£25k range (secretarial and technical) it was *almost* amusing when we were told the "average" salary was nearly £100k a year...

    But then, it was also almost considered grounds for, uh, umm... I know fratricide, matricide and patricide but is there a 'proper name' for murd^H^H^H "inviting Senior Management to a higher plane of existance"?

  8. Lionel Baden

    bloody averages

    i have to agreee with the AC @9:39

    Since when did i ever see the bloody average of £37k a year i would be bloody happy on that but i am currently trying to eek out an existence on £21k per annum

    most it jobs i see for normal engineers offer bugger all money

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