back to article Government flags ID cost increase

The identity minister has indicated that passports will account for a smaller proportion of the national identity scheme's overall cost than previously stated. Meg Hillier told Parliament on 11 March 2009 that introducing and producing passports containing fingerprints will cost "about 70%" of the ten year budget of the …


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  1. Ash
    Thumb Down

    At this point

    I'd vote for any party who abolishes this scheme. If they muck anything up beyond that, we can alway call a referendum.

  2. Oscar

    Re: At this point

    And what political party ever follows through with it's election pledges?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    ID cards and monitoring = police state

    A slippery slope.... with the proposed monitoring of all UK subjects travelling outside the UK it is only one small change to monitor who goes where and when with the iD cards.

    Where has the Great Britain that we, and so many immigrants all loved disappeared to? We are now heading toward a worse police state than has ever existed.....

  4. Nick Palmer
    Thumb Down

    "not a strong enough...

    ...counter-voice from the government about the benefits"

    Well, you hardly need one if you stifle opposition, curtail any discussion and ignore any evidence that calls this disgusting scheme exactly what it is, do you?

  5. Ed
    Thumb Down


    >I'd vote for any party who abolishes this scheme.

    In which case you're an idiot.

    I'm not saying I agree with the ID card scheme. Far from it, but it's hardly the most important policy on which to base your decision.

  6. Nic Brough


    Oh look - the totally unpredicted and unforeseen "we're going to have to increase the price"

    I'm vaguely surprised on the timing - it's about 6 months earlier than expected. And I'm with Ash on the first comment.

  7. G4Z

    What benefits?

    "there probably was not a strong enough counter-voice from the government about the benefits".

    urgh, don't statements like that from our elected representatives make you sick?

    As far as I can tell they have not presented a single argument for this scheme that does not collapse in tatters as soon as you apply some critical thinking. Which is obviously why they just said nothing and pushed ahead anyway. I fear the Tories will renege on the promise to scrap them, imo the only way to make a real change is to hope the lib dems get in or we have a hung parliament. Anything else is just more of the same.

  8. Dave

    @Ash = confused

    In case you missed it the story it's in the UK. Not, as you infer, in a democracy!

  9. alan


    I agree.

    But tbh I'm not that worried because I know, I just KNOW that they will epic fail beyond all expectation and the system will be proven not to work on multiple occasions, as per (any other large money-wasting govorment funded failathon here).

    All they will have done is waste countless amounts of our money and time on something doomed to fail and totally unwanted, and as our beloved MP overlords prove to us time and time again, that is what they are FOR.

    If you truly want shit like this to be stopped, forever, the best way is a revolution or a millitary coup. I'd opt for the coup option, as that way the MP's will probably be "accidentally" killed in "crossfire" or just outright executed, I could live with either.

    The only problem after that is to decide who SHOULD be in charge.....

    I would do it, for a small fee. and I'd quite happily spend money on things that would actually benefit us, and on nothing that has mass opposition. No buts or ifs here, as our govorment seems to have. and of course I would have orbital defense cannons. Goldeneye style. (unless opposed by more than 50% of the public.)

    And then, when everyone realises what a cool / dangerous country the UK is, they would stop terrorist attacks on us because we have changed our ways and don't meddle with them any more. and I wouldnt keep using 11/9 as an excuse to invade any country I damn well please - although I would reserve the right to shoot teh laz0rz from orbit at them. PEWPEWPEW!!!

    ooooo yeeeeeeee.

  10. Tim


    So, where does this 70% figure fit in?

    I just renewed my passport (£72, ouch) and one of the accompanying leaflets points out that the Identity & Passport Service is self funded & non profit making, receiving nothing from central Govt, and while part of my £72 is for producing the passport, part of it is for funding the global network of British Consulates.

    Going back to my original question, I guess I am asking how much would (a) a passport and (b) an identity card cost me under the proposed scheme, and how much extra funding would it require from central Govt.?

    And yes, I will not vote for a party which supports this waste.


  11. Anonymous Coward

    I'm still doing it...

    Very time I see Hillier I still think Hitler.

    "there probably was not a strong enough counter-voice from the government about the benefits"

    What?! There are benefits? or they just refering to the selling of your data to any third party for large back handers so ministers can kit out their London mannors. - Yeah! not really seeing how that is helping me any!

    *\. Time for the Revolution, these hacks seriously need to know how we feel, and if that has to be expressed by a line up along a firing wall so be it.

  12. Thom Brown

    Re: At this point

    >And what political party ever follows through with it's election pledges?

    Only 2 ever get the chance to follow through, and despite both of them failing, people still seemingly mindlessly vote for them.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    "there probably was not a strong enough counter-voice from the government about the benefits". which really means "we haven't spent enough money yet on propaganda to brainwash the unthinking, unwashed masses that they NEED and DESIRE this..."

    budget on publicity and marketing = which is the brainwashing budget "The actual spending will not be available under the end of the financial year." which means they're going over budget and have no idea how much.

    ID cards...for your security, protection, ID, and benefits. You CAN'T go out without one.

    How long until the database is messed up - immediately.

    How long until the database is cracked, lost, given away = immediately

    How long until you get your records straightened out = never

    How long until plod demands to see your new card at every corner = ASAP

    How long until you get locked up for not carrying or getting your ID card = ASAP

    How long until you are secure? = never

    How long until you get some benefit = never

    How long until you can prove you are you = never

    How long until you have the ultimate protection = never

    Just say no2ID

  14. Anonymous Coward


    More billions wasted on a useless scheme that I don't want and hardly anyone else wants and still hasn't got any good reason to exist - other than a stubborn government that either doesn't want to back down and lose face by admitting it was a lemon or someone in government's friends are raking in tax payers' money on developing this scheme wants to ride the gravy train for longer.

    At the same time I've recently seen care homes for the elderly and mentally disabled closed, museums and similar public properties or national treasures going to rot, schools, toilets swimming pools and other public facilities closed, etc. It's been particularly bad lately for cutbacks and closures, all the while claiming it is due to the economy and yet we have money to spend on this nonsense? Same with the rape and pillage of the Post Office. Abandoning and running down a great service while wasting billions on something that we don't want and still hasn't benefited us at all, for all the money wasted on it.

    I'm with Ash on this. I won't vote for anyone who isn't willing to toss this rubbish out immediately.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Anonymous Coward 16:34

    ""there probably was not a strong enough counter-voice from the government about the benefits". which really means "we haven't spent enough money yet on propaganda to brainwash the unthinking, unwashed masses that they NEED and DESIRE this..."

    budget on publicity and marketing = which is the brainwashing budget "The actual spending will not be available under the end of the financial year." which means they're going over budget and have no idea how much."

    Too true. Did you see that they recently got on board a new marketing and publicity creep to push this onto the public and try to make people believe they want this white elephant? It's beyond ridiculous at this point. Why won't they drop it?


    I know what you mean. I too have been stung by it, as have others. It has gone up at record speeds in recent years. I hear the passport costs are going to be going up substantially soon too (possibly breaking the £100 mark). In that case you picked the right time to get in and renew it for a few years before the price jumps up. I suspect this money would be better spent on the already overstretched and underfunded British Consulates than siphoning it off for new ID cards.

    I say NO2ID too. We got rid of them once, I don't want them back again in an even worse and more expensive form.

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