back to article Scientists find gasses from Earth in rocks from early Moon

Moon meteorites found on Earth contain trace gasses that lend further support to the widely held belief that our largest natural satellite formed from chunks of our planet that were ejected in a massive impact. Patrizia Will, a doctoral research student at ETH Zurich, studied six separate Moon rocks picked up by NASA in …

  1. Phones Sheridan Silver badge

    So scientists on Earth, detect chemical compounds found on Earth, in rocks found on Earth.

    Does that pretty much sum it up?

    1. Yes Me Silver badge
    2. Spherical Cow Silver badge

      Summing up does not mean deliberately omitting the most important bit.

    3. gandalfcn Silver badge

      That actually sums something up. Hint, it isn't the science or the scientists.

  2. ravenviz Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    It's fabulous how we can unravel the history of the solar system bit it by bit, and it gets ever more variable and surprising! For whatever reason or successive chain of supporting events we are privileged enough to be here to try and work it out.

  3. Spherical Cow Silver badge

    Space Ping-Pong

    Formed on Earth, then knocked into space by a huge impact to become part of the moon, then knocked into space again by another impact sending them back to earth: that's pretty amazing stuff! I just hope the next exchange happens after I'm gone.

    1. Winkypop Silver badge

      Re: Space Ping-Pong

      I’m pretty sure it’s now illegal under Brexit.

      Or, at least, too much paper work.

    2. ravenviz Silver badge

      Re: Space Ping-Pong

      And all in 6000 years!

      1. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: Space Ping-Pong

        Ussher was a great statistician!

  4. Danny 2

    Origins of life

    I was trying to breed tens of thousands of cockroaches to invade and destroy Britain's nuclear armed subs. Nobody approved of this but I needed to know how.

    My niece had a zoology degree, probably still has, so I asked her how to breed tens of thousands of cockroaches. "Well, you take a little boy cockroach and you take a little girl cockroach, and..."

  5. bpfh


    So homo erectus was partial for a swift beans on toast when they couldn’t catch a mammoth for tea?

  6. M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

    Sounds sketchy

    Helium and neon are not found only on Earth. Saying that the Moon gases are of Earth origin because they're present is not science, it barely qualifies as a guess. They'll need more than saying they're present to prove it.

    That, of course, will be difficult to prove, but I guess talk is cheaper. But for all we know, the Moon was supposed to be the 10th planet (or 11th, what with the asteroid belt) but was caught up by a faster growing Earth's gravitational pull and lost the race.

    What I'd like to see in my lifetime is a mission to the asteroid belt to bring back some samples, and have them compared to Moon regolith. It would be interesting to see if the Moon actually came from there.

    1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

      Re: Sounds sketchy

      1) Isotopic analysis.

      2) Gravity doesn't work like that.

    2. johnfbw

      Re: Sounds sketchy

      Sounds like people who have devoted many years to this exact subject have come up with a theory of the most likely cause, based on present knowledge

      Scientists often say stuff we don't understand (and often have to dumb it down for journalists)

      1. fishman

        Re: Sounds sketchy

        ..... And then the journalists either get it wrong, or try to sensationalize it.

    3. Scott 53

      Re: Sounds sketchy

      Wish granted

      1. M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

        Re: Sounds sketchy

        Yes, but no. The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter while Bennu is between Earth and Mars. Neat looking mission though, and will be looking forward to the results of that one as well.

        For the rest of you, no idea why so many downvotes. All collected data is valuable, and hard data is better than theories. I just don't think the presence of helium and neon is evidence of origin. Unless it was the implication that Pluto is a planet, which as far as I'm concerned it is. If it was big enough to be found back when the Model T was considered advanced technology, it qualifies to be grandfathered in as a planet.

    4. gandalfcn Silver badge

      Re: Sounds sketchy

      Sounds trolly

  7. adam 40 Silver badge

    What no boffins?

    As no boffins collaborated in this research, I find it quite dubious/sketchy too...

    Paris because she looks hot in a lab coat....>


  8. FBee

    Earth, Gasses, Moon...and Grateful Dead

    Deadheads are everywhere. Cosmic!

  9. gandalfcn Silver badge

    But what about gases?

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