back to article After eleven-year wait, Atlassian customers promised custom domains in 2023

On July 8, 2011, Atlassian Cloud posted a Jira ticket titled "Allow custom domains for Cloud apps". 2011 is not a typo. And as of today, more than eleven years later, the ticket – now known as "CLOUD-6999" to reference its URL – is still open. But The Register has learned relief is coming. Atlassian and its customers like the …

  1. Warm Braw

    No-one seems to know just why

    Have they tried this?

    1. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: No-one seems to know just why

      I like the realism of the example they use - in the first table, the "what others think (my role is)" column has practical actions in it, whilst the "what I think (my role is)" column has wishy-washy talk about having visions.

      Perhaps the Atlassian team working on CLOUD-6999 has been having these visions for so long now that they've totally lost touch with reality: "Why do customers keep asking for updates, my log book shows we've only been working on this for 29 days!". Ah, you have only been *lucid* for 29 days; that's ok, we'll just do a non-committal update on the ticket and you can - oh. Yes, that *is* a lovely giraffe. Nurse!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: No-one seems to know just why

      We used to use JIRA. Finally dumped it about a year ago. What trash.

      As for the domain issue, Atlassian needs to hire a 15 year old kid. He/she could implement that in under 15 minutes.

      Atlassian clearly does not want to implement it due to loss of control/revenue.

  2. Michael

    I'd prefer them to fix the performance

    I have to use the web hosted version for work. It is the most painfully slow application I have to use.

    I honestly despair at getting anything done when I use it, it is un-useable when I am on a teams call and sharing the screen. It doesn't save changes unless you click the button, unfortunately it is so slow, that you can navigate away after hitting save and it doesn't work.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I'd prefer them to fix the performance

      Performance has improved for us over the last year or so in cloud. Might be worth raising a support case

    2. bpfh

      Re: I'd prefer them to fix the performance

      # Salesforce Service Cloud has entered the chat

      # ServiceNow has entered the chat

      # ServiceNow has changed their pseudo to ServiceLater

  3. talk_is_cheap

    It is easy to beat 11 years - try a ticket started 1/Nov/2006

    The issue is regarding the ability to change the author on a wiki server

    Yes, that is right, also an Atlassian product issue - when someone writes a wiki page they are expected to remain with the company for life and beyond as there is currently no way to re-assign who is the 'author' of a page. The result is that any company that has used Confluence for any length of time can never track down the person who is currently maintaining a page.

    Not much longer before this issue will be old enough to drink and vote in the UK.

  4. Richard 12 Silver badge

    Or this Artifactory issue.

    Opened 11th Sept 2013, finally dine 3 days ago:


    Artifactory finally supports nuget, after a mere 9 years.

  5. NoneSuch Silver badge

    "We have multiple teams involved in that effort and are excited to be making steady progress on this long-awaited feature."

    That might explain the issue. A Team is inherently flawed. Coordinating multiple Teams is a flipping nightmare. I remember two female Project Managers screaming at each other then coming to blows over who was running a project.

    1. Phones Sheridan Silver badge

      "I remember two female Project Managers"

      That was your problem right there.

  6. bpfh

    How hard it it…

    To link a vhost to a specific instance of a saas product? This should have been a junior intern’s summer project… no?

  7. untrained_eye_of_newt

    Agile Failure

    What happens is a commitment is made, so that means a position is held, in this case for 11 years, in an attempt to do it in the right way according to ideology. Whereas what is required is freedom and availability, not commitment. Agile contains its own contradictions, "agility" implies neutrality and availability for movement, whereas the "sprinting" implies commitment and surveillance of performance. We don't need transparency, we need murkiness, we need a place to hide, like a crocodile, transparency causes stress and disease in developers.

  8. Postscript

    My Favorite Jira Issue

    Opened July 17, 2014, I still get email updates when some new poor sap realizes they would like their work tickets to not be studded with smiley faces and 'thumbs-down' icons. It's marked as "Not Being Considered" by the Atlassian devlords but that hasn't stopped the plaintive cries for relief.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Google has one that's 10 years old - for IPv6

    HAHAHA - try this one

    Google (the one person at Google who decides....) refuses to support DHCPv6 - for 10 years. Read the comments, esp the ones from Google.

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