back to article If you're using the ctx Python package, bad news: Vandal added info-stealing code

The Python Package Index (PyPI), a repository for Python software libraries, has advised Python developers that the ctx package has been compromised. Any installation of the software in the past ten days should be investigated to determine whether sensitive account identifiers stored in environment variables, such as cloud …

  1. emfiliane

    This should not have been possible

    PyPI should have instituted certificate-based hashing from the very beginning, but it's always been a very loose and marginally run collection of useful Python packages. Much like NPM and other open-source repos, professionalism and security never seemed to really seemed to be important, just uptime and speed to rollout, especially compared to the interpreter projects that are buttoned up tight. (Only one really does it right: Cargo/ is run by the Rust team itself, which is attached to Mozilla, and is locked down quite tight from the developer side. A simple password reset to a squatted domain isn't going to be possible.)

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: This should not have been possible

      Hindsight's a great thing isn't?

      1. emfiliane

        Re: This should not have been possible

        PyPI began in 2000, and was wildly in flux until 2003-4. By then the world was flooded with hacks of all kinds and knowledge of good security practices were being widely disseminated to everyone, not just academics and enterprise engineers. There was no excuse for not building it in -- or at least bolting it on -- at any time afterward with a drop-dead cutoff for older insecure authentication, as the platform became more important and more widely relied on.

    2. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: This should not have been possible

      You can't blame Python, this is normal in the Open Sauce environment, most of the time the new sauce is nice and tasty but occasionally it's got too much salt and pepper.

      I'll rework an old quote to today's world ... "If it turns out that there is a Open Source Coding, I don't think that it's evil. But the worst that you can say about it is that basically it's an underachiever." - Woody Allen (updated).

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. -v(o.o)v-

      Re: This should not have been possible

      Move fast and break things! Yeah!!1

  2. Bitsminer Silver badge

    Do you use Python? Have you ever contributed money to the Python Foundation to support their efforts? Do you know how many paid employees they have available for "professional" support?

    Put up or shut up.

    1. Morten Bjoernsvik

      private pypi

      We use private nexus3 pypi repos where we add packages when safety or snyk complains about outdated packages.

      You can also simply create a parser for on python. I'm pretty sure pypi is already full of them. The main drawback of cve is the long delay from it is being discovered until a cve is issued. but this can be solved by only using popular packages and wait some time until upgrading.

      1. sten2012

        Re: private pypi

        Why parse cvedetails and not the cve feeds themselves? From what I can tell the json or xml (if xml is still going) contains the same info with reduced risk of change.

        Not an accusatory question, but unless we work at the same place then multiple people go the cvedetails rather than cve route but I dont see why

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The contrast is quite telling

    Reading the comments here and on the corresponding NPM attack article.

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