back to article Raspberry Pi Foundation boss waves off listing rumours, says biz discussions may have been 'over-interpreted'

Eben Upton, founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has dismissed speculation over a possible stock market float, telling The Register: "It's not something we're actively pursuing." Over the weekend a report in UK national newspaper The Telegraph suggested a potential floatation of the foundation was in the works. A valuation …

  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Silicon valley / fen

    They would have launched a SPAC instead of a product and be valued at $10Bn (merely a $Bn isn't impressive anymore)

    1. AMBxx Silver badge

      Re: Silicon valley / fen

      Are you interested in buying 0.00000000001% of my company for £1? I just want to tell my friends that I'm a billionaire.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Silicon valley / fen

        Only if i get a liquidity preference

      2. needmorehare
        Thumb Up

        Re: Silicon valley / fen

        Only if you float it exclusively on Ethereum blockchain, along with all corporate statements, press releases, board minutes and votes.... as opposed to hashes which reference those things. You can be the CEO which twits shorter!

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Silicon valley / fen

          >You can be the CEO

          TechnoKing !

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It sounds like the beginning of the end for the Pi. Takeover usually follows the flotation of UK companies right?

    1. A Non e-mouse Silver badge

      If you've bother to read the headline correctly, let alone the article, you'd realise why your comment is just noise.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Do you really think he'd admit it to the Register? I hope you're right. The Pi is a fine company and a rare UK tech success

        1. Dan 55 Silver badge

          It only follows, then, in the tradition of UK tech successes, that'll be sold off to some corporation that doesn't know what to do with it.

          1. Dabooka

            Continuing with tradition

            It would be sold to a US based behemoth corp for an overinflated value before having 85% write down based on dodgy book keeping.

          2. Blane Bramble

            Softbank it is then.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @ A Non e-mouse

        And if you had bothered to read the article properly you would read that there was no outright rebuttal of the rumours

    2. Gene Cash Silver badge

      Takeover may not follow, but usually "going public" == "going to shit" as they kowtow to stockholders and not customers

      1. martinusher Silver badge

        >kowtow to stockholders and not customers

        My experience is that the change is more subtle, if just as devastating. When you float or sell a company its valued at some multiple of its sales. Money flows in for the sale and that money invariably flows into the pockets of a relative handful of insiders. Seems reasonable, except that this money is now debt owed by the company and by the rules of capitalism that debt has to be serviced out of the operating profits of the company. (Stockholders? Dividends? So passe.....) Since it was in the principals' interests to inflate the value of the company to as much as they could get away with the debt burden quickly becomes crushing -- as profits are raided to service that debt investment withers, the company indulges in numerous rounds of cost cutting until either the enterprise goes bust (or is sold off) or ends up a mere shadow of its former potential self (often you can find them repositioning themselves as vendors of 'services').

        There are obviously exceptions to the rule and the processes are more complex but all the startups I've worked at have followed this general pattern.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. werdsmith Silver badge

          I worked for a company that went through this exact process and now doesn’t exist.

          Fortunately my shares that I was gifted as and employees, were sold at their peak before it bombed.

  3. Lon24

    Speculation Factory

    Fantasy Management:

    Howsabout RaspberryPi Foundation took over Nominet? A management that knows how to become a global success and deliver product to strict pricing points without the profit motive. It isn't possible but it ought to be.

    A Nominet Member

    1. don't you hate it when you lose your account

      Re: Speculation Factory

      They even admit their failures. That's so not nominet

      1. don't you hate it when you lose your account

        Re: Speculation Factory

        I think I just got down voted by the CEO of nominet. I will treasure that down vote

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Upton is not the boss of the charitable Raspberry Pi Foundation only Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.

    That conflation is common and even seems intentional at times. If they do float that may put an end to the convenient, money-making, pretence that "Raspberry Pi" is purely a charity. The charity actually seems to receive little income from Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd these days.

    I wouldn't be buying any stock, investing for the future, if they did float until I could see some effort made to overcome their production capacity limitations.

    1. Old Used Programmer


      The way to solve the RPT(L) production capacity problem would be for them to buy Sony, as they're the ones who seem to be doing a lot of the assembly work. (Pi4s in Wales, Picos in Japan.)

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Alternatively...

        Just buy Micron, Singapore is still British isn't it?

        1. katrinab Silver badge

          Re: Alternatively...

          No, Malaysia became independent from the UK in 1957, and Singapore got its independence from Malaysia in 1965.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Alternatively...

            "Malaysia became independent from the UK in 1957, and Singapore got its independence from Malaysia in 1965."

            The stereotypical Telegraph reader probably hasn't quite caught up with that just yet.

            1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

              Re: Alternatively...

              Wales is still in the empire though ?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I've also noticed that RPi has got a bit of an Apple-like following as well. People willing to overlook the flaws and defend maybe poor decisions. Heaven forbid you should criticise the Pi (device or company) in the official forums.

      Don't get me wrong, I think the Pi is a great little device. It does most things "well enough" and at a decent enough price. But it isn't perfect and, personally, I wish they hadn't gone for the Micro/mini (can never remember which it is! Lol) hdmi. The whole dual monitor thing is so unessessary or could have been done by replacing the practically unused DSI port as a FPC header for an internal HDMI connector. That would have allowed far more options for making devices with built in screens and better resolutions than the DSI port can do.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Apple like :-(

        And Apple-like in their attitudes to their customers as well. Take for example the recent "We do this sort of thing all the time" comment from E. Upton when asked about adding the Microsoft repository for a non-open version of vscode onto every Pi running PiOS without asking (or even telling) their owners. This was a major "faux pas" to anyone who runs Linux to avoid the BeastOfRedmond's grip.

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: Apple like :-(

          Yes, but the sanctimonious zealot brigade are relatively few in number. Fortunately. And its not true that they did the repository change without telling anyone, considering they announced the Visual Studio Code addition right at the top of their blog.

          Raspberry Pi also seem to have a following of people poised to jump on and magnify any perceived slip, just as Apple do.

          That's the way people are and it's no big deal. Just as nobody died because you can't use a power adapter from a Macbook.

          But you also see that R-Pi will accept any error without trying to worm out of it and put it right.

        2. TimMaher Silver badge

          Re: Apple like :-(

          Thankfully the vscode workaround was simple and easy.

          More troubling is the apparently increasing gap between the foundation and the trading co.

          In contrast to a previous commentard, I get the feeling that Rpi is being run by Nominet, rather than hoping it might be a good plan to have the reverse.

          I had a slice of ARM before the Softbank take over and made a nice profit on a sale that I voted against. In those days your nominee used to invite your opinion. Now it has been regurgitated and seems to be a target of Nvidia I wouldn’t touch it with an enemies dick.

    3. werdsmith Silver badge

      I wouldn't be buying any stock, investing for the future, if they did float until I could see some effort made to overcome their production capacity limitations.

      "Nice problem to have,"

    4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      >The charity actually seems to receive little income from Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd these days.

      Erm, isn't that the point?

      If they put the price up by $10 so they could 'donate' $MM to the charity who would that benefit exactly ?

  5. ForthIsNotDead

    They'll be rapidly taken over...

    ... just like ARM.

    That's capitalism, I guess.

  6. Dabooka

    I should damn well hope it doesn't get floated

    Aside from it's altruistic origins, how many of the glitches (such as the USB-C and heating issues mentioned in the article) would be accepted with such aplomb if were megacorp? A lot of home engineering and third party workarounds exist for the Pi families challenges and most of them would end up being issued with cease and desist orders and any fuzzy feelings of goodwill will sharp evaporate

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: I should damn well hope it doesn't get floated

      > would be accepted with such aplomb if were megacorp?

      Like exploding batteries or phones that can't make calls if you hold them wrong ?

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